Saturday is National Nut Day and it’s the time to celebrate all things Nuts!

This national day has only been around since 2015, but mankind’s love of all things nuts is as old as time. An archeological dig in Israel revealed evidence that nuts were a major part of our diet 780,000 years ago. Even early Native Americans ate nuts. They made flour, nut butters and used the shells to fuel fires.
Did you know that the Macadamia nut came from Australia…WHAAAAT?!?
Yep, Macadamias were originally grown in Queensland, Australia and only arrived in Hawaii during the late 1800’s. Just so you know, the peanut is not really a nut but a member of the pea family!?!
Speaking of nuts…The Candy Shoppe has $1 off a purchase of $10 or more. Stop in, pick up some snacks while you shop The Market this weekend.
What’s Up With That Pie?
Sunday is both National Boston Cream Pie Day and Slap Your Annoying Coworker Day. While I don’t recommend you act upon the latter, I do hope it brought you a giggle or a grin.
In 1856, French Chef Sanzian created the delectable dessert for the opening of the Parker House Hotel in downtown Boston, which is now known as the Omni Parker House. As a remake of the early American ‘Pudding-cake-pie’, two layers of butter sponge cake, were filled with a thick custard or cream, and are topped with a chocolate glaze.
Is it a cake or is it a pie? I don’t know. I’ll let you decide for yourself. I do know that Jack’s Dawghouse promised us some creamy, yummy desserts this Sunday! Swing by the Jack’s food truck outside and give it a try.

Where do I find my wacky, weird and witty holidays and history… National Today , where everyday is a celebration!
National Today
National Nut Day
Slap Your Annoying Coworker Day
National Boston Cream Pie Day
Nutcracker Museum
The History of Nuts
What’s Cooking America
Boston Cream Pie History & Recipe
#NationalNutDay #Nuts #HealthySnack #Holiday #NationalBostonCreamPieDay #YUM #JacksDawgHouse
#TheMarketInMidway #ShopLocal #ShopSmall #SupportSmallBusiness #Navarre #GulfBreeze #Pensacola #Florida #Panhandle #InThe850