A family friendly open-air market experience.
Located on busy U.S. HWY 98, in the heart of Midway, we provide an open flea market on most weekends, as well as themed events featuring local artists, bakers, brewers, crafters, makers, and more throughout the year.
Saturday & Sunday
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Flea Market Days are $20 / day or $30 / weekend.
Event market weekend times and prices may vary.
U.S. 98 Outdoor Market in Midway – Terms & Conditions
Sec. 1
- Rain or Shine
- Space is Pre-Paid.
- No sales or solicitation are allowed in the parking lot.
- Spaces face toward the field.
- Space is assigned.
- Assigned space may change at the manager’s discretion.
- Only one vendor per assigned space.
- One sign per vendor area is allowed. All signage and merchandise must be kept within your assigned space.
- Vendor must provide: pop up tent, tables, table covers, chairs and power if needed. Unless otherwise noted in events description. *Tie downs must be contained within your space.
Sec. 2 – This is a family friendly market experience.
- No loud or profane language or music please.
- No drug/alcohol/tobacco or paraphernalia sales or use are allowed.
*Please step out of the market area to smoke. Cigarette butts are garbage; dispose of properly.
- No offensive books or materials are allowed.
- No explosive/poisonous/hazardous materials may be sold or brought to the market.
- No sale of illegal or stolen items is allowed.
- Selling of counterfeit merchandise is strictly prohibited.
- No sales of animals are allowed. *Barnyard Swaps permit small livestock only.
- Dangerous animals, such as dogs with vicious tendencies, are not allowed anywhere on the property. All others must be leashed and attended at all times.
Sec. 3 – Be respectful of your neighbors.
- Do NOT solicit outside of your booth.
- Keep your area clean and deposit garbage in the dumpster.
*Unsold/Unwanted items may NOT be disposed of in Market gabage cans or dumpster.
Sec. 4 – Food Vendors Only
- Food Trucks/Trailers must be parked on the field no later than 8:00 a.m., with transport vehicle unhooked and removed from market area.
- Food Vendors must provide your own garbage can.
- Keep your area and the surrounding food area clean.
- At the end of the day, deposit garbage in the dumpster at the back of the property NOT in the Market garbage cans.
- Pets are NOT allowed in your space.
Food Vendors are subject to all city, county, state and federal laws concerning licensing, health and safety of persons and/or property. Food vendors shall comply with the Florida Health Department rules and regulations for food handling. The Market in Midway / U.S. 98 Outdoor Market in Midway is not responsible for vendor compliance.
Sec. 5 – Set Up – Tear Down
- Set Up
- Summer Hours 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
- Winter Hours 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
- Early set-up granted by request only.
- All rented spaces must be occupied 30 minutes prior to market opening or the vendor forfeits payment for and the use of the space. The space may be rented to another vendor.
- Be considerate of others, unload/unhook your transport vehicle completely, move it out of the market area, then complete your set up.
- Vehicles must be out of market area 15 minutes prior to market opening.
- Barnyard Swap vendors during the Country Market are the exception.
- Pop Ups must be adequately anchored and secured. Keep stakes within your space and well-marked to prevent mishaps.
Note: Overnight you may leave your booth set up at your own risk if it is properly secured. (ex. Closed, locked, pop-up lowered, or side walls attached and closed for the night.)
- Tear Down: No earlier than posted event end time.
- Once again, be considerate of others, complete your packing and tear down before moving your transport vehicle to the market area for loading/hook-up.
Sec. 6 – Violations may result in expulsion from the market. Any fees paid will be forfeited.
Sec. 7
Vendors are responsible to collect and pay all sales taxes and fees.
Vendors are responsible to provide their own insurance.
The Vendor understands and agrees that The Market in Midway / U.S. 98 Outdoor Market in Midway and staff are not responsible for any damage or loss of the Vendor’s property, regardless of the circumstances. The Market in Midway / U.S. 98 Outdoor Market in Midway and staff are not responsible for any liability arising out of the negligent acts of vendors or their employees or for any injuries sustained by employees of vendors.
The Vendor understands and agrees that by using this form, you acknowledge that you have read and understand The Market in Midway / U.S. 98 Outdoor Market in Midway Terms and Conditions above and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
*Terms may be subject to change without notice.
U.S. 98 Outdoor Market in Midway Printable Terms & Conditions
For events: Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an invoice via PayPal for your selections from Crystal by the Sea on behalf of the U. S. 98 Outdoor Market In Midway. All spots are pre-paid. Both your registration and payment must be received before your space will be confirmed. Registration without payment will be disregarded.